Beginning Top Ten-ing

Worst title I’ve come up with yet? Perhaps… Anyway, I was going to try and do a quick WTSG newsflash for my posting today but I couldn’t pull together any fascinating news at the last minute. Also, we’ve been somewhat busy this evening and despite the fact that I enjoy blogging, patrons take priority. So, for a quick posting, just to try and stay regular, I thought I might share my first Top Ten list. I was inspired the other day when I heard about this fun blog called The Broke and the Bookish. They do a cool thing called Top Ten Tuesdays where they choose a different theme every Tuesday and then fill out the list with items that fit the theme (all book related of course). The coolest part is that they invite other bloggers to join in the fun and post their lists to the site. This week, just to get a list out there on this site, I won’t be participating in their theme. Instead, I’ll simply post my Top Ten Picture books, since that fits the more Continue reading

Snip Snapped

Snip Snap: What’s That? by Mara Bergman; illustrated by Nick Maland

Due to different schedules and July 4th, I haven’t had to do my regular Wednesday story time in a couple weeks, which means I haven’t been able to try out anything new recently. So today, I’ll talk about an oldie but a goodie. And ‘oldie’ isn’t really fair, since this was published only seven years ago and in the scheme of children’s publishing that could almost be considered hot off the press. But still, when everyone is so obsessed with what’s new, some titles get left behind if they fly under the radar, as this one does. Which is too bad really, because, in my opinion, this is one of the best story time books ever. Continue reading