WTSG News: Call me Cookie?

Farewell Margaret Mahy

OK, first off, three things from Fuse #8 because it seems that she has the digs on all the most poignant library-related news:

  1. I know this doesn’t count as good news, but it is important. Margaret Mahy, renowned children’s author has passed away. I haven’t read many of her books but I have loved the odd, quirky flavor of the few that I have read. I particularly love The Great White Man-Eating Shark, which has always turned a smile or two when Continue reading

WTSG News: What do you take when your house is on fire?

Items to Bring With YouImage

Ever thought about what you might take with you if your house was on fire? Brain Pickings has the digs on a number of people’s responses, all excerpts from the photo book, The Burning House by Foster Huntington. Oh, and there’s also a Tumblr!

Tears for a Boy Detective and a Little Bear

Sad tidings this past week as we say farewell to two more children’s authors: Dan Sobol, creator of the Encyclopedia Brown series and Else Holmelund Minarik, author of the Little Bear books. A heartfelt thank you to these two from me personally, as I loved that boy detective when I was wee (though I don’t ever remember solving any of his mysteries before him) and the show inspired by Ms. Minarik’s books has brought my children immense pleasure (as do the books themselves, though I can’t honestly say they’ve clamored to read them yet). Continue reading